Kozak Proposes ‘Nicholas’ Law’ to Remove Statute of Limitations for Crimes Against Most Vulnerable People

March 5, 2025

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Roman Kozak (R-Beaver) announced today he has introduced a bill to remove the statute of limitations for certain crimes that are committed against a nonverbal, care-dependent person. House Bill 808 is a reintroduction of former representative Rob Mercuri’s House Bill 1614 from last legislative session.

“After learning of abuse that occurred at a respected residential facility in my district, reintroducing this bill was a top priority for me,” Kozak said. “Nicholas Maravich, who was nonverbal and care-dependent, had been abused by a staff member, but was unable to communicate anything was wrong. During the criminal trial, the families of the non-verbal victims were shocked to learn the former caretaker was being charged with lesser crimes because the statute of limitations on the more serious charges had run out.”

This legislation would eliminate the statute of limitations for some of the most serious crimes when they are committed against a nonverbal, care-dependent person. Specifically, these crimes include rape, involuntary deviate sexual assault, simple assault, aggravated assault, and abuse or neglect of a care-dependent person.

“People who commit these heinous crimes should not be able to avoid serious consequences due to a legal loophole,” said Kozak. “I hope my colleagues join me in supporting Nicholas’ Law to give nonverbal, care-dependent people and their families the justice they deserve.”

Representative Roman Kozak
14th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jake Gillespie
RepKozak.com/ facebook.com/repkozak

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